Trademark of Health Qigong®

Registered Trademark
The term Health Qigong® is a UK registered trademark of the British Health Qigong Association (BHQA). This was done to protect the hard work and sacrifices of qualified (and current) Health Qigong instructors and it is never our intention to trademark for profit or control. We are a non-profit organisation and our goal is to uphold the highest standard of Health Qigong so that the general public can benefit this exercise at its best.

Our intention is to uphold the standard and quality of practice for Health Qigong and safeguard the public, qualified instructors and their employers. 

BHQA’s well-established and structured instructor training programme, with continued professional development re-validation courses, are highly regarded because they deliver real benefits to the individual, their profession, and the public.

It is not our intention to trademark the term for financial gain. Moreover, we have no desire to prevent genuine Health Qigong instructors and teachers from promoting the wellbeing benefits of Health Qigong to the general public. Such instructors and teachers are, of course, free to use the term Health Qigong with no risk of legal consequences. 

Members of Health Qigong organisation under the IHQF are free to use the term Health Qigong® in their promotional materials, on their websites, and on social media platforms. 

There are NO CONFLICTS for our Qigong / Chi Kung friends of other styles to use terms like "Qigong", "Qi Gong", "Qigong for Health", Qigong Health", "Health Promotion Qigong", Health Preservation Qigong" "Chi Kung for Health" and ANY OTHER creative terms to describe their fantastic styles of Qigong. It also clearly states in our trademark registration with the IPO a disclaimer as shown below;

"Registration of this trademark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately, of the words “Health” and “Qigong""

Furthermore, the trademark is a UK Trade Mark, which does not affect anyone using such terms outside the UK.

Finally, we have no intention of trademarking any other Qigong terms or names of Qigong forms. A Trade Mark is very term specific, therefore, Qigong colleagues and enthusiasts using names such as Ba Daun Jin, Yi Jin Jing, Wu Qin Xi, Liu Zi Jue etc. will not be affected by the trademark. 

Regardless of your style, We are here to promote a great culture and art together in harmony!  


Health Qigong® is a unique system consisting of special exercises created by university professors, Chinese medicine experts and Qigong grandmasters in China. The system is endorsed by the CHQA and the IHQF. This unique system of exercises has gained massive popularity as one of the most effective Qigong systems, bringing great benefits to people throughout the world.
The huge rise in popularity of the Health Qigong® system in the UK is largely due to the hard work, dedication and sacrifices of hundreds of BHQA members and other member organisations of the IHQF, with the ongoing support of Health Qigong experts from the CHQA.
In an effort to protect the quality and standards of all this hard work and effort, the BHQA registered the trademark 'Health Qigong' to safeguard and enhance the credentials of all people all over the world who have been trained and successfully assessed by IHQF teachers and masters, and who currently teach Health Qigong sets as prescribed by the IHQF. They may safely use the term Health Qigong® in descriptions of their activities and in their promotional material.

The trademark was also registered to provide increased authenticity for teachers when they promote themselves to the public as Health Qigong® Instructors. Their potential students and clients can be more certain that they are learning from an approved and authentic source with the highest standards.


Tary Yip, BHQA Vice President

We have only trademarked the term 'Health Qigong'. We are not planning to trademark  any other terms.